Brother Bob Duck Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship is a one-time award of $500 to a collegiate brother of Alpha Upsilon chapter. The recipient of the award will be determined by Alpha Upsilon alumni based on the following criteria: 37.5% academic achievement, 37.5% chapter activities, and 25% school activities. This award is presented at Homecoming annually and the recipient of this award must have been an active collegiate brother for at least three previous semesters.
Collegiate Brother Scholarship
Collegiate Brother Achievement Scholarship This scholarship is a one-time award of $500 to a collegiate brother of Alpha Upsilon chapter. The recipient of the award will be determined by Alpha Upsilon alumni based on the following criteria: 37.5% academic achievement, 37.5% chapter activities, and 25% school activities. This award is presented at Founder's Day annually and the recipient of this award must have been an active collegiate brother for at least three previous semesters.
Mothers Club Scholarship Form
Mother's Club Scholarship This $500 scholarship is presented to an outstanding brother annually by the Alpha Upsilon Mother's Club to an active brother returning fall semester.
Incoming Freshman Scholarship
(Elam Scholarship)
Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Upsilon Chapter offers a scholarship every year to any incoming freshman male with an interest in agriculture. The scholarship is worth $1000 and will be applied toward University expenses. If you would like an application or need further information please contact Christian Kemp at 731-414-6664 or